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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Sad_Potential4758 on 2024-06-25 03:27:07+00:00.

I want to start off by saying I don’t know much about the paranormal. I believe that there’s probably stuff out there, I’ve done a couple ghost tours but I’ve never had anything happen that genuinely scared me or felt genuinely paranormal.

I do in home healthcare, and I work the overnight shift. Recently I was placed in a new home. The house is a newly remodeled three bedroom house but there’s only one person living there currently and I am able to sleep on shift.

the first night I worked I didn’t sleep much, I cat napped for a couple hours mainly because it takes some time for me to adjust to new homes. I had an especially weird feeling here though and chalked it up to general anxiety. At around 4 am, the power went out in the home and I was horrified, I froze, I was completely overcome with anxiety.

I’m not scared of the dark, I’ve never reacted like this before but something felt wrong. After the lights went out I heard what sounded like a door in the back of the house slamming. I tried to rationalize it, I went home, I forgot about it and returned to work.

The next week or so was uneventful except for the feeling I got when I was inside the house. I am still to this day terrified of going down the hallway. The bathroom im able to use is in this back room at the end of the hall and I am terrified to go back there. I genuinely will not go down the hall unless it’s an emergency.

After a week passed I started trying to actually sleep there. I sleep on the couch in the living room with a couple lights on, YouTube on the tv for background noise. It’s very cozy and comfy.

Except for im having these nightmares. Every time I sleep at this house I have nightmares. Not just normal nightmares. They feel so real, it almost always starts with me waking up on the couch (except for one time when I had a dream about being in this tiny town in Illinois that I had never once heard of and when I googled it irl a bunch of ghost stories popped up so that’s fun)…

but In my dreams I always wake up on the couch, feeling sick to my stomach with anxiety. Sometime I can move, sometimes im frozen. I hear whispers, someone talking to me. I never really remember what was said when I wake up. Or I’ll see figures standing in front of me.

Last night when I had the dream I was able to move. I stood up and walked down that hallway and when I got to the back room there was a body in a rocking chair, and they were like smiling at me and whispering something. I woke up in real life literally shaking and I could’ve swore I heard a voice when I woke up but I was too shaken up to know what was said.

I asked my coworker this morning if they’ve ever experienced anything weird here and apparently the two bedrooms had been previously occupied and they both passed away last year. She said that sometimes cabinets open and there’s weird noises.

I don’t have these dreams at home. I’ve never had dreams like this. And honestly im terrified. I don’t know if this is related to the clients that passed, or if it’s something else entirely. I have to go back there in an hour and after last night im genuinely terrified to be there.

Over the couple months I’ve worked at this house the power has gone out multiple times a week, I hear noises throughout the night and literally every time I sleep there im having nightmares like this.

I’m scared to tell someone irl because I don’t want them to think im actually crazy 😅 im not sure if it’s ghosts or something worse, maybe I am going crazy but…. I just needed to tell someone.