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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Whole-Telephone1958 on 2024-06-26 19:49:15+00:00.

It’s really hard to talk about my experience anywhere without feeling judged like i am crazy. Im a 30 year old male who lives in a house alone where i know (recorded) deaths have occurred, it doesn’t bother me too much.

I was working the afternoon shift at my job and got back late, maybe around 3 in the morning. Pulling in i noticed my front bedroom light was on. This caught my attention as i always turn off the A/C and lights before i leave. Saving money, you know.

I walk in my house, notice the bedroom door is shut, light is on. That made me really confused, i started taking off my boots and when i bent down i noticed the doorknob start shaking. Scared the hell out of me. But it didn’t stop. I waited a second to see who was going to walk out, but before i could think, the door opened about 2 inches and SLAMMED shut. It repeated this about 10 times.

I, with my big ass steel toed boots, knew if i kicked that door hard enough, whoever is on the other side is going to get hit hard. Fight or flight was activated. Someones dying and it’s not me mf!

I kicked the door so hard it broke off the two bottom hinges. And i bet you can guess what was behind that door…. Not… Shit.

This is a story that i struggle to talk about let alone sit here and write. And i know it would have been nice if it was recorded.