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The original was posted on /r/monero by /u/geonic_ on 2024-07-01 18:17:48+00:00.

Prompted by rehrar’s (Diego’s) recent proposal, monerobull has offered to do the job for a fraction of the rate and I’ve opened a CCS to gauge community support.

I believe monerobull is a better candidate for this position even without the cheaper rate because:

  1. Diego’s history with the project is questionable despite his many contributions.
  2. His company, Cypher Stack, is an active participant in the CCS. This presents a conflict of interest, as his position would also include stewardship of the CCS. Cypher Stack also continues to do work for competing projects.
  3. Monerobull has proven himself to be an impartial moderator on reddit and elsewhere, as well as a valuable volunteer for MoneroKon.
  4. He is technically able and I trust his abilities to perform this job.

Please comment on Gitlab and make your voice heard!