making the thin and lightweight screens appropriate for use in things like smartwatches and other wearable computers or even clothing and and other fashion items where you may want a display
Inb4 we get human digital billboards
They’re called hype beasts.
Just watched Idiocracy this weekend. Saw that coming.
Remind me when this comes to the mass market at 100€ per display.
Like with all tech, if it does get commercialized and sees broad uptake, it will eventually massively drop down in price (albeit you’ll probably see list prices that account for secular inflation).
As opposed to sacred inflation?
The term secular can be used outside of religious context.
of or relating to a long term of indefinite duration
secular inflation
Cyberpunk fashion, here we come!
Now we just need rebel hackers and global anti-corporate rebellions.
Ah shit, I forgot to charge my shirt.
Anyone remember those metal wrist bands that you could tuck on. This but as display would be fun.
RIP Nokia Morph
And the jokes write themselves.
A ‘tiny’ man invented this so he could send dick pics to girls.
Or a “thick” woman so she could catfish men on tinder.