As a Dojo Frame, Banshee can be obtained extremely early in the game, although she has an unfortunate reputation as being very squishy and difficult to play. Contrary to her reputation, with a very small investment, she is one of the most in-control and chill CC/debuff frames.

Executive summary for people who don’t want to watch the video and don’t need a build demonstration: per my other post on survivability strats (, we’ll be using a Condemn build, replacing Sound Quake, and a Resonating Quake Fractured Blast HCAB (FBHCAB) build, replacing Sonic Boom.

FBHCAB build: Swap Sonic Fracture for Resonating Quake, put FB or Lycath over Sonic Boom.

Condemnshee build: For Duviri, swap Equilibrium for Streamline and fish for some energy economy decrees, to taste.

Let me know in the comments if you would like demos of other nodes.

    1 year ago

    Plugging my Pillage Banshee Build.

    It’s similar to the Condemn build, but relies on Silence for Soft CC instead of Condemn for Hard CC.

    Because this build does not have a form of Hard CC, you need to actively move around refreshing the stun from Silence. Play around with range until you find something comfortable, an enemy needs to move out of Silence Range before it can be stunned a second time.

    The reason I chose Pillage was because of how easy it is to fully refill shields along with its status cleanse. Some other differences are that Condemn is unable to CC or grant Shields from an enemy with active Overguard, but is able to gain Shields on Infested enemies. Pillage on the other hand is able to refill your shields on Eximus Grineer/Corpus as long as they still have some remaining armor or shields. Pillage also does not require you to aim it at an enemy to leach shield, only for the wave to hit an enemy that is not obscured by terrain.

    As for Arcanes, Energize is helpful but not mandatory, there are lots of other sources of energy generation such as Zenurik, Energy Generator for Dethcube or Exodia Brave. If you would like a little more survivability, you can use Arcane Aegis.

    Play around with range until you find something you feel comfortable with. The goal is to make it easy for Resonance (Sonar Augment) to propagate as far as possible while also having your Silence Range low enough to easily refresh the stun by jumping away (and to avoid stunning enemies too far ahead in the mission).

    I’m using the Sonic Fracture Augment to fully strip certain enemies like Acolytes in one hit, and Pillage is more than enough to deal with regular enemies especially with Sonar’s weak Spots. This also avoids the downside of Sonic Fracture’s ragdolling.

    Rakta Dark Dagger gets an honorable mention for its passive that converts damage it does on an enemy that is Rad Proc’d into shields, giving you another way to refill shields, useful if you try to fight Infested with this build. Pick up it’s Gleaming Blight augment for a fairly significant boost to its status chance as well.