I made a 3d printable eReader case for my wife. Wanted to test what would happen if we water logged them and left them in the sun to dry.

Two of the cases are made from PLA while the other is made from PETG. They are all held together by thread and leather.

The test here is to see if moving from PLA to PETG was the right move since the last time I did this, the case turned into a banana.

My eventual plan once I’ve finished with my testing is to sell these cases and make their designs available for others to print.

  • kylian0087@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Honestly this is a bit extreme in my opinion. I have been printing ABS for some years now. It is what i print in the most in fact. I am using a prusa MK3 (now S) without a enclosure. and it works just fine even rather large prints. Only thing to keep in mind is the fumes. In my case the printer is in a separate room which is well ventilated.