“No need for bombs when hate will do” ~ Ulysses

  • 39 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2024


  • “I’ve already had to watch it ravage my community. There’s people I knew that don’t come around anymore. Became agoraphobic. That’s not even talking the people that did die in my community, and their families still feel those holes to this day. Most of the people in my orbit, they survived-- but not a one came away without something permanent left behind. Brainfog, asthma-resembling hacking fits, compromised immune systems, the works. I wouldn’t feel so comfortable saying what I did to someone if I didn’t already know, down to the scars at the bottoms of my lungs, what this disease does to the people who are lucky enough to have survived it”

    As did I.

    “Way I see it, if you’re going to be as indifferent to death as to take up for anti-maskers”

    The way I see it is that you’re staring at something as brutally indifferent and deadly as disease and are advocating it upon anti-maskers who will then infect others who may, even by chance, infect people who truly do mask or take preventative measures. Nowhere am I standing up for them.

    “I’m going to be indifferent to what happens to you”

    So quickly. A shame. I can’t say the same. Peace to you.

  • What a shit-show that thread was. For some strange reason, the warped mind runs sickeningly deep in every corner of the culture of the west. The inherent need for blood in exchange for justice that was designed through every facet of our media, our art, our relationships with each other in an fierce individualism that demands “justification” for why a person themselves should change or adjust to the conditions around them.

    A design to slaughter Native-Americans, to separate the sick, the poor, the different. To make a culture where even if there is no divide, to create one. It’s something that we all must fight every day. I wanted to ask, are you leaving? I appreciated your posts.

  • If you live in the United States, yes. We waste so, so much food. Like seriously. You could go into a dump at “garbage time” (easy to figure out by just watching store employees) and grab an entire fridge-worth of food for multiple people. A lot of food banks or churches can do exactly what OP described as above; deem you for whatever reason not able to grab shit from their expired food section. Often than not, the food bank near me gives you a variety of cans that are more “baking goods” than actual food you can eat out of the can. 8 cans of applesauce is great for keeping full but not exactly nutritious and makes you feel like Steve Jobs on a fruitarian diet.

    Dumpster-diving wasn’t meant to be “insulting”. It’s seen as that because we look down at scavengers in America for whatever reason. When I was scraping by and jumping from place to place; dumpsters were literally the best place to get free food, free drinks and free beer.

    Sadly, they lock them up, put security cams or dogs around the cans to prevent people from rummaging. Just gotta be smart.