Charlie Chaplin got done dirty. He was rocking that stache for decades earlier.
Charlie Chaplin got done dirty. He was rocking that stache for decades earlier.
For anyone unfamiliar, curing is a term for using salt and other ingredients to preserve/season food. The salt removes moisture, decreasing the ability for spoilage-inducing microbes to spread. Salmon is often cured to make it last longer.
I think that’s enough explaining of the joke, you get the rest.
duck confetti
Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
My dude I’m not going to explain comedy to you. It isn’t objective or universal. If you don’t find it funny, that’s okay. This comic ain’t for you.
My dude, I agree with you. I’m just explaining how we get bullshit like this movie. Not actually supporting it or approving in any way. I can tell you right now that I have no intention of seeing this movie.
Also, everything is awesome.
I’m not the author or an expert or anything. But I’m fairly sure the joke is about how his license expired and she just made him realize she’s a witness to murder.
I’m not disputing anything you’re saying, just trying to explain the logic of a movie production studio. If they’re trying to make a Minecraft movie, they’re going to gear it to maximize the revenue from their audience.
If they made it a kids movie, it’s because they thought that would make them the most money. Whatever kind of movie they made, it’s for monetary reasons.
That may be so, but that’s irrelevant to them. Their IP is Minecraft, not Roblox. They only need to appeal to the largest demographic of people who enjoy Minecraft (aka kids, not adults). The other interests of their target audience are hardly relevant. All that matters is that they’re interested in the topic though to see a movie.
Or more accurately, bug their parents to pay to see the movie. Because those are additional tickets, too.
If this starts another fuckin bean trend I’m committing mod abuse.
But it’s not written in gaelic gibberish?!
Please report comments like this when you find them. The negativity spreads really quickly, and it’s quite tiring.
Shout-out to his spiritual successor, Homey D. Clown.
Homey don’t play dat.
that’s freaking adorable.
where can I get that “welcome” mat?
Rest in peace, Hvaldimir, you magnificent mammal.
“I felt like it.” Is all the reason the cat needs.
I can acknowledge that you’re partially correct. What I was suggesting was geared towards preventing people from acting in negative impulses. Basically, your brain thinking “no, don’t do creepy shit.”
But with your example, exercising rationality actually would help, because “the sadness that comes from seeing couples in public or among your friends and knowing that you’ll never experience what they’re doing” is actually an irrational thought.
There’s no reason to assume this is actually the case. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy that’s easily dispelled by recognizing that you’re actually capable of having that experience. Some proper therapy can help replace those intrusive thoughts with more empowering ones!
Edit: fixed an autocorrect issue that changed my intended meaning. Sorry.
That’s a good rough estimate, but doesn’t account for varying factors, like gender and weight. It also makes assumptions about the alcohol content in your drinks.
For example, the usual BAC calculator assumes 1 serving is 0.6oz worth of straight alcohol. That equates to 1.5oz of 40% liquor, a 12oz beer that’s at 5%, or a 5oz glass of wine that’s at only 12%. So at my weight, two servings over an hour puts my BAC at just 0.03, which is under the limit to operate motor vehicles in many countries. To be clear, I NEVER drink and drive, even after just one drink. But I’m this hypothetical scenario, I’m quietly sitting down in a plane seat, not operating machinery.
I’m gonna need some context for this. Why is Patrick Stewart dressed like a bard?