EnsignRedshirt [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I’ve been slogging through the latest season of Discovery, mostly just so I get the references. I’m just finished 5x05 and I’m not really enjoying it.

    It suffers from a lot of the problems with the prestige-ification of TV. Everything feels too serialized and too cinematic. The episodes don’t seem to have a unique identity, and the serialization means that you have to enjoy the commitment to that one serialized plotline (which I admit is not grabbing me). I prefer Star Trek when it’s episodic or has shorter story arcs within a larger season. The story itself is also very fast-paced, in that it’s a race against time/the enemy, which sucks because everything then has to happen inside of this very tight window of time. That’s fine for a movie, but I don’t know why it’s a good idea for a full season of a TV show (unless it’s something like 24 where that’s the whole gimmick). Star Trek is famous for using ticking clocks to keep the action moving, but they resolve at the end of the episode, and the next episode might not have a ticking clock, or the clock is caused by a fundamentally different thing with different stakes. In this season it’s like they’re doing laps around a racetrack. “Okay, we’re ahead now, let’s keep up our lead while we do basically the same thing next episode.” And we have to keep up the idea that it is a race despite having a ship that travels anywhere instantly. Incredibly boring.

    Mostly I just hate Alex Kurtzman. I hope his next Trek show flops hard enough that they decide not to renew his deal and they go find someone who doesn’t have obvious contempt for the audience.

    Apologies for the ranting. Short answer: DSC season 5, not great

  • Granted it’s unlikely we’ll ever see anyone like him again, but I think it’s worth noting that nothing has changed about the electoral system that would prevent someone taking a similarly unorthodox path. “Trump vibes” isn’t going to be a problem if someone is actually doing the Trump playbook properly. No one in the media or political establishment wanted Trump in the first place, and they all had to eat shit in 2016 when he single-handedly took over the GOP. Someone else could do it again if they were brazen enough.

    Trump isn’t a genius, he just happened to stumble into a way to win the rock-paper-scissors game against the establishment civility and norms fetishists. They haven’t changed or learned anything in the last 8 years, and it’s unlikely they’ll smarten up this time around, especially if he loses again. The core vulnerability is still there. The game still depends on people following the rules, and if someone else comes along who doesn’t care about those rules, they’ll be able to do the same thing.

    US electoralism is still a huge cargo cult joke that deserves no better than Trump, is what I’m saying.

  • Last night was really helpful for cleansing my twitter feed. General consensus was obviously that Trump ate shit, but you could tell from the comments who was watching the debate to hear what the candidates were saying vs who was there just to cheer on Harris and/or see Trump fail.

    One of the minor but notable differences I’ve noticed between Canadian electoralism and American is that there’s very little room in American discourse for just being a hater. It seems like you have to pick a side, and if you say anything bad about one side then you must necessarily be supportive of the other side.

    In Canada, we have the same two mainstream neoliberal parties that are the only ones who ever form government, but then there are several other parties and interest groups that have legitimate amounts of support and some representation in the legislature. If you say you hate Trudeau, there are too many possible angles you might be coming from for me to make any assumptions. You could be a conservative, an NDP/Green supporter, a Quebec nationalist, an indigenous person, anyone from BC or Alberta, the list goes on. It’s true of any Canadian politician, party, or interest group, so you can freely shit on anyone and everyone without people being able to assume your specific political leanings.

    In Canada, someone like Hasan would be able to be like “Boy, that debate sure was a pile of dogshit” and proceed to roast each candidate on the merits, but in the US the algorithm needs you to declare or else it presumably shunts you into the unserious crank category.