Howany of those connections would you say are actively maintained instead of just passively there?
Those that are actively maintained you can likely send them something like Signal and start chatting on that instead.
I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.
Howany of those connections would you say are actively maintained instead of just passively there?
Those that are actively maintained you can likely send them something like Signal and start chatting on that instead.
WhatsApp is owned by Meta as well
To shreds you say?
Facebook Marketplace basically gutting Craigslist really blows. I can list something on Craigslist and not get a hit for a week but if I list it for the same price on marketplace I typically get a hit the same day as more people are over there now.
I can’t be the only who thought the list would be long am I?
Very well said, I hope you don’t catch a ban for this comment.
My turbo button was connected to an LED but that was it
Don’t feel too bad, it jumps to mind as well
To me it’s blue and I’m not seeing purple, but I’m pretty colorblind so I’d say take that with a grain of salt lol
Basically I made this post to highlight how different peoples thinking is on even something as simple as thinking of a random thing that’s blue.
Technically correct, the best kind of correct
Anything at all
The unholy union of anarchists and utilities
NGL our solar system being the size of a finger print is (somehow) bigger than I expected.
Another fun size thing I heard recently was that if an atom were the size of a football stadium then the nucleus would be the size of a pea.
Gotta keep my sanity somehow
Personal goals and stuff really
Grand scheme things got me nervous though
Not yet unfortunately
In fact (as much as it pains me to say) before the month is out they’re effectively getting a promotion from president elect to president before the month is out.
NGL I was really hoping they’d get a promotion to federal prison inmate by this point
I’m really not excited going into this year
There are aspects I’m looking forward to but there’s an air of DREAD hanging over 2025 that can’t be ignored
I never said that?
Everyone sees the world through different lenses was what I was saying.
I see trying to explain to you that different people process and retain information differently just isn’t working. So I’m just going to move on.
I hope you have a Happy New Year.
And atoms are full of empty space, there like 99.9999% empty.
Compress that down for space savings and we could make a huge dent.