I think pornography being able to be stored and accessed digitally has changed the goon cave of today to be much more discreet.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
I think pornography being able to be stored and accessed digitally has changed the goon cave of today to be much more discreet.
Conversely, if it was presented in a more user friendly way, perhaps more people would know what they were doing.
You’re probably talking about Docker Desktop. It may not be on Linux (or at least your distro or whatever) because it’s not actually FLOSS. If you want to use Docker with a GUI I’ve had success with Rancher Desktop which is made by SUSE and is FLOSS. It’s still Docker (unlike podman which is not technically Docker), but it has a GUI for some stuff too.
I tried installing Docker Desktop at work and realized the license doesn’t actually allow that without paying. It was weirdly difficult to install Docker by itself on Mac so that led me to finding Rancher Desktop.
It’s not about what serialization format, it’s about what possible values there are for each field.
do you have a proposal for a solution, or is this just a rant post?
I think this post captures a commonly felt problem whether or not it is still a fair criticism.
Does Windows 11 still use the Windows 7 control panel?
adapting vending machine would be easy
Or just have the only coin be the quarter and then it’s so easy it literally requires nothing.
Easier because you wouldn’t need to replace everything that’s coin operated. The vast majority of coin operated things only accept quarters.
This was me watching the Hims ad during the Superbowl lol.
Just keep one dollar bills and remove everything but quarters instead. So much easier.
PC absolutely has to do with the OS in certain contexts. Do you not remember the “Hi, I’m a Mac.” “And I’m a PC.” Line of commercials?
Example of the usage: https://www.computerworld.com/article/1568544/mac-vs-pc-cost-analysis-how-does-it-all-add-up.html
This is because long ago there was the Apple Macintosh and the IBM Personal Computer. So things that were “PC compatible” were not Macs. So the term got applied to Windows stuff. It’s not used very much now, but that article is from 2007.
So while it’s correct terminology to say Windows are PCs and Macs aren’t, it’s pretty outdated and another example of his failure to be recent on tech trends. I don’t think I’ve used the term PC to mean Windows since 2020 at least. Probably longer.
She should be proud of me! Love you Granny and Nanny! RIP 💜
Why don’t you just tell me if you think I’ve misunderstood something?
Literally a single boolean lol
Why the fuck do you believe feminine men can’t be successful? That’s so sexist.
Same! I thought I wouldn’t be able to play any competitive PVP games!
there are no successful fem-men for good reason.
Shut the actual fuck up.
I think some people just feel less shame about it. I was raised in the purity culture of the Bible belt so probably won’t ever get past it entirely. We have some art on our walls at home and I think maybe a couple are sort of erotic or erotic leaning. No nudity though. There’s also the aspect of not wanting to have to explain that to parents when they visit.
My phone background is marginally erotic but subtle. It’s a picture of my wife’s legs in fishnets, but it’s in a blue light and pretty close up, so it just looks like some sort of geometric pattern unless you stare.
For me, I don’t mind seeing that stuff, but I don’t want to subject others to it. Even in my office I’d have to consider what could be seen from my laptop camera during meetings and guests spending the night there.