MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]

  • 40 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • No. But vague and venemous comments alone don’t get the job done. I agree, linkless news is just gossip, Nazi news is only useful in so far as we learn what the fascists are spinning. However, your formating critiques, like capitalizing names, comes across as pedantic and ceremonial and not in a good way. People engage in information in different ways, and demanding we all show respect in a niche Internet forum where the actors being discussed will never see it is a little ridiculous.

    I think your worthy point is that linkless news isn’t worth the electricity it takes to type the comment. Rather than letting your indignation at tone and substantive criticism get conflated into a single line of criticism, simply stating “link or remove” and then adding to that any additional criticism would be better. At the very least someone who, presumably, shared something in good faith, could attempt to then modify it in a way that better pleased the audience. As it went at first, all you did was launch a barb that seems alienating to anyone who didn’t immediately share your attitudes and make the same connection, and almost certainly the poster themselves. I think that’s a shame if we want the News Thread to be more than a hobby forum for a couple dozen power posters.

  • I think you’ve shifted the goalposts in this discussion. You started with a question of “how many americans just want the plunders of imperialism shared more evenly with the working class” while predicting substantial reduction in quality of life for Americans post imperialism. I contend that most Americans do not have an improved quality of life even with the imperialism: that value and wealth is retained by the PMC and bourgeoisie. Sure, “the Global North” is taking a massively disproportionate share of global GDP via ownership, financialization, and rent seeking in general, but the vast majority of that is captured and retained by the top income earners in the US. Lumping in your median global North worker with his/her boss is absurd.

    “About 50.7 percent of the household income of private households in the U.S. were earned by the highest quintile in 2022, which are the upper 20 percent of the workers.” 50.7 percent of the,earned by the lowest quintile.

    The top two quintiles account for nearly 75% of total US income. If we got more granular, I think we’d easily find income drops off very quickly as you move down the second quintile too. No matter how you cut the numbers presented, though, my point I think stands. You may disagree for other reasons, but for the sake of argument if you were to grant that most Americans don’t benefit from imperialism, then it doesn’t seem to follow that their quality of life will go down when it ends. I think you’re creating false division between workers in the imperial core and periphery. It was more true even just 20 years ago than today, but neoliberalization has been eating away at earlier concessions to the working class for decades now.

    But you’ve switched gears and are talking about post revolutionary war and degrading of industrial capacity from conflict. That’s just an entirely separate can of worms. I genuinely contend that the US and world in general would be substantially more productive if you ended things like intellectual property, redundant labor due to inefficient competition instead of collaboration, and squandering of productive capacity on non-socially useful endeavors like the MIC and conspicuous consumption. Those are good organizing points for bringing more people around to an anti-imperialist mindset. Plenty of Western leftists can and do accept socialism on anti-imperialist grounds precisely because we recognize we’re in the same class as workers elsewhere in the world. If you’re asking how many American “Socialists” are actually just Vaushites/dem-sucs, I guess I’d answer most of them? But like, they’re not actually educated on political matters. They think the Nordic model is socialism. But that’s not really related to the rest of your claims that I think are out of line with the reality of quality of living and distribution of income.