

Moving partially to Hexbear for the emojis and larger community (I’ll still be here and using this acc)

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • IMO it can always get worse. You can look to Ukraine and the Philippines as examples of just how bad it can get; at least for now they (Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova, Georgia, etc) are ostensibly independent countries with some sort of self-interest and self-preservation.

    It’s one thing to have a Franco or Salazar in power, and another to have a Horthy or Quisling. And there are all sorts of creative things the west can use a fully compromised Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, etc. for (alongside the fact it would strengthen the western unified fascist front in the likely upcoming WW3), as can be seen with the Kenyan military police in Haiti, or the US’/western EU’s attempts to expand NATO activities to the entire globe (in Asia and west Africa in particular).

  • and yet the only thing the government is actually concerned with was civil unrest.

    It makes sense, if you think about it. All our country’s problems are self-inflicted; the system is acting exactly as intended.

    The individual culprits’ intents may not be exactly to revert the country back to feudalism (or to mask-off fascism), but collectively and effectively, it is what it is, and none of them are willing to change course (because it would eat into their bottom line). All the various rentiers that truly constitute the government and institutions of this country (the cartels/oligopolies, landlords, etc) are moving this country exactly in that direction.

  • I, personally, would be very hesitant to point someone to Rumble (or Twitch) in general, rather than to specific channels, whether they’re on Rumble or Twitch.

    Same, though as I see it that extends to all large western platforms, really. Twitch is generally more inoffensive (because its focus tends to be gaming, and so long as one avoids the chuds most channels are more apolitical than ghoulish), that said.

    I didn’t exactly find the leftist channels I mentioned on Rumble, admittedly- they’re the reasons I use it (Syrianalysis and Richard Medhurst are demonetized, and now I suppose Africa Stream is banned on YT). I basically followed channels I had already been watching on YouTube, as a backup (or to support the creators who were being repressed by YT)

  • If you think that there is no capacity of leftist infiltration on Twitch, you’re wrong (see: all of the leftist streamers I listed above). And if you think that Rumble has any potential to harbor leftist content, you are wrong again.

    So, twitch, owned by Bezos, which complies with US repression is “open to leftist infiltration,” but Rumble, owned by Thiel, is not?

    I use both platforms, and I know of several leftist Rumble channels (Syrianalysis, Richard Medhurst, Danny Haiphong, Geopolitical Economy Report). Does that disprove your claims, or is the whole “Twitch is open to leftist infiltration because there are some leftists” bunk? (Frankly I think anywhere is open to leftist infiltration- right up until it isn’t, something that all imperial core-owned platforms can and will be subjected to)

    Twitch is more geared towards livestreams, also, whereas more… journalistic, academic, or analysis-focused content fits more with the Rumble/YouTube format.

  • IMO- as they are a settler-colonial state in the genocidal subjugation phase of colonization - the cruelty is the point.

    “White supremacy” and “settler supremacy” means nothing, until it is put into action. This is how it is done- through inflicting pain, humiliation, and suffering on the “ubtermensch.”

    This is how it was done in all western colonies; it is how it was done in the Anglo settler-states to the natives, and it was done to the enslaved blacks and their descendants, and even as society progressed such that the optics became worse (even among whites), these countless little cruelties and humiliations still remained, swept under the rug or downplayed, in order to assert their “place in the world” over that of their lessers.

    This is still how it is, across the west and wherever westoid-mentality westerners plague.

  • If so, why is that?

    In the west, this is because the west has genuinely priced its working classes out of existence. One can call it “greedflation” (and sure, it primarily is), but it also is a symptom of an economic system which draws much of the wealth and labor of the globe into these overpriced imperial cores, devaluing and exploiting on an even greater level the lives of those elsewhere; a symptom of the broader picture of these imperial cores exporting their debt across the world and artificially maintaining their own currencies’ value increasingly through threats and violence more than anything else; and of course, also a symptom of the neoliberal modern system wherein the former monopolies of production (mercantilism) have considerably shifted outside of the imperial cores, and what remains within is the typical “American-style” or late stage capitalism- bottom-line, shareholder-dominated, rentier capitalism, a sort of “slash and burn/disaster capitalism” that the classical liberals were explicitly against (but which Marxist analysis explains).

    Also, money in the hands of workers instead of capitalists = only virtue signalling?

    As for that, while I’d not quite call it “virtue signalling” (it’s little different, but the intent is genuine), the simple fact is that it won’t change the system, hell, it won’t even band-aid the system. And so long as all the levers of the imperialist world system or even domestic finance remain under capital’s control, it is- less effective even, than trying to swim up a waterfall.

    I’m not saying that there can’t be some tiny good done, for some individual lives. Just like any (genuine) charity or outreach that much is true. But end of the day it all can be undone (and will constantly be stuck trying to swim up the waterfall- predictably, at the bottom of the waterfall), when the system is utterly and overwhelmingly in the hands of the capitalists. Whether it be through taxation, inflation, all the countless forms of rent and interest charged within capitalist society, through their dominance over the political processes (regulatory capture, corporate welfare, etc- the list goes on) you will not even make a dent within the system this way.

    It’s not a bad thing to do. But it’s just charity, it does not fix the problem.

  • Yeah. Honestly I actually would normally like wearing the mask (I like hiding my face, admittedly). But the social climate of covid (and that has continued ever since) was honestly incredibly… alienating and strenuous, as an Asian-Canadian.

    If people want to forget it some- at least socially it’s a plus for my personal experience, even if it’s a bad thing otherwise. No more funny looks, less hyper-awareness, yellow peril is still going strong in the media and the majority of people here are probably delusional AF if the subject of China gets brought up but they’re not going around with that hate on their minds 24/7.