Send it to Claudia de la Cruz to help her break 0.1% of the vote.
Would you still vote for her if you lived in a swing state?
What are her chances of getting in?
So which candidate are you voting for this year?
It’s like a riddle.
‘What’s easy to find but not easy to show yet?
‘And to what end is another consideration.’
So they should be easy to show, right?
That might be your reaction, but it’s not mine.
Russell Brand is into that shit.
Oh you’re going to rile up some people with that common sense.
That’s the ugliest fucking bathroom I’ve ever seen and I love crustpunk bars.
That’s the first rule of robotics!
“A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”
We need to nail that one before we decide if we need a zeroth.
In the sixty-five days since this account was created it has made five thousand two hundred and thirty-four submissions to Lemmy.
That averages out to one every seventeen minutes and fifty-three seconds, twenty four hours a day seven days a week.
I like it, does it come in green?
Gross, but I do thicken up my cereal milk with ranch.
It’s called virtue signalling.
In the sixty-four days since this account was created it had made five thousand two hundred and two submissions to Lemmy.
That averages out to one every seventeen minutes and forty-three seconds twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.
I consider myself an expert in ranch dressing as well.
They should have put all the drugs up their ass, not just most of it.
Because it’ll be funding her next run at it.
Did you read the meme?