SoyViking [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020

  • In the Danish city of Odense, the mayor is malding that he can’t ban ships from legally and peacefully docking in the local harbour:

    “Deeply frustrating”: Odense mayor wants Russian ships out of the harbor

    Russian ships should not be allowed to dock at Odense Harbor and receive services.

    This is the message in an email from Odense’s mayor, Peter Rahbæk Juel, from the Social Democrats, to the Minister of Transport, Thomas Danielsen, from the Liberal Party.

    The call comes in response to reports on how ships with Russian connections are creatively bypassing current sanctions, for example, by transporting natural gas to Russia.

    “The ships are being serviced by companies located at the harbor. They’ve done so completely legally - and without Odense Harbor being able to refuse them, which is deeply frustrating,” writes the mayor in the email.

    Odense Harbor is obligated to accept ships as long as they do not break any laws or sanctions - and officially, they are not, according to the mayor.

  • You have the rainbow which literally means something along the line of “the entire spectrum”. That is a neat, simple symbol that can include everyone in the LGBT+ community — But that symbolism doesn’t work when you also want to be able to point to a specific area of the flag and be able to say “this is for that particularly group”, “this is for that other particular group”.

    I applaud the intention to be more inclusive of trans and bipoc people and I’m not trying to be dismissive of the unique challenges they face. I’m just kind of mildly grumpy that a side effect of this is worse flag design.

  • The Danish military has lost the ability to learn from Ukraine

    The Danish military currently lacks the capacity to systematically follow and learn from the war in Ukraine. This is according to a major from the military’s development and planning staff, as stated in a September 26th article by DR (Danish state media). The piece, which also seems to serve as a promotional platform for drones, highlights a gap in the military’s ability to adapt lessons from the conflict.

    No specific personnel have been assigned to gather insights from the war and apply them to the Danish armed forces. The major expresses the concern bluntly: “If we aren’t evolving, we’ll fall behind when the day comes that we’re the ones who have to stop Russia somewhere.”

    An analyst from the Danish Defense Academy adds that while many in the military are following the war closely, they do so in their free time without any coordinated institutional effort.

    The major attributes this failure to manpower shortages, with other tasks taking priority. He also points out that the military’s development wing was gutted by politicians in the 2018-2023 defense agreement, and rebuilding that capability will take years.

    An example is given, courtesy of Danish drone manufacturers. They have amassed substantial practical experience and made lots of money by supplying drone equipment to Ukraine. Despite this, the Danish army has yet to buy any of these drones for itself, causing the Danish military to be behind on modern warfare as well as Danish drone manufacturers to be unhappy.

  • When a brutal fascist regime is waging a war of terror against civilians, you think of where your sympathies lie.

    So has Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Denmark’s controversial foreign minister, who gave this statement to government broadcaster DR on September 26th 2024:

    “I can certainly tell the difference between these countries. I know where my sympathy intuitively lies. I know which countries are democracies and which are not. But that doesn’t change the fact that, in the end, everyone has a responsibility to ensure this doesn’t spiral completely out of control.”

    The statement is an example of democracy washing where the alleged democratic nature of the illegal zionist entity is used to justify their atrocities and shift blame to the victims.

    Journalists from a free and independent news outlet might have asked him follow-up questions such as:

    • Can an apartheid state be democratic?
    • Can a state be democratic when a majority of the people it governs is denied the vote?
    • How can war crimes be justified by the perpetrator’s system of government?
    • Are the lives of civilians living under an allegedly “undemocratic” form of government worth less than those of people living under presumably “democratic” regimes?

  • On september 23rd Danish government broadcaster DR reported the results of a poll showing that less than half of the population have confidence that politicians are able to make sound decisions before sending Danish soldiers to war. A majority agreed that the Danish military should be tasked with defending the territory of Denmark as well as that of fellow NATO protectorates. This is a much less bellicose stance than what the media and politicians would normally have you believe.

    The poll comes together with two retired generals making criticisms of the way Denmark has taken part in foreign imperialist adventures over the past few decades. Former chief of staff Jesper Helsøe is predicting that the people and the politicians will “think it very well through” another time before going to war again and brigadier general Ole Kværnø has made this comment:

    We have been at war for 30 years, we have had 30,000 soldiers deployed. We have used military force and done violence to people we wanted to convince that our values were superior to any other set of values

    While the public and military leaders are unable to see the benefits of imperialist adventures, Troels Lund Poulsen, head of the Liberal Party-controlled ministry of defense, dismisses the war fatigue. He points to how the Ukraine war made a majority of Danish voters support the abolition of Denmark’s national abstention from EU’s common war policy, stating that it shows how events “can luckily influence the individual Dane about what is sensible to do”.

    He goes on to admit that "errors " were made regarding the practical execution of the war but makes no mention of how imperial projects like the unprovoked full-scale invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were fundamentally criminal endeavours.

  • Anecdotal evidence: When our first child was born they wouldn’t lie on one side, seemed restless and had trouble sleeping. Not knowing much about chiropracy party from it being “someone who does spine stuff” and having had it recommended we went to a chiropractor with our infant.

    The chiropractor massaged their neck and made it say a small cracking sound and that was it. The baby wasn’t happy about the whole thing but it actually helped, they slept much better afterwards and could lie on either side without issues.

    I don’t know if I would do it again, knowing the quackery behind it all, but as a layman I wouldn’t be too surprised if you could actually improve some neck and back issues by popping things back into place. Cracking your neck feels great so having someone else crack it would be good as well?

    Maybe there’s a difference between European and American chiropractors? Around here they are educated at real universities, they are supervised and credentialed by health authorities and I’ve never heard anybody talk about them as treating anything other than spine and back things. The insane claims about mental health and cancer and whatnot seems to be more of an American thing.

  • I saw a TikTok video the other day with Shir Hever, a political economist born in the illegal zionist entity. In his view the zionist project is effectively over as “any regime that commits genocide also commits suicide”.

    He claims that every sector of the entity’s economy is collapsing due to the genocide: tourism has disappeared, academic exchange with the rest of the world is ending and investment in the high tech sector is drying up fast. The settlers themselves are moving their money out of the entity as well with zionist pension funds increasingly preferring investments abroad over domestic.

    Settlers are also leaving the entity like never before. Up to half a million settlers has left since the Al-Aqsa Flood and it is especially the highly educated with resources and prospects abroad who are leaving. It has become very hard to get a doctor’s appointment due to the number of doctors leaving. Even the regime itself has no clear idea of how many are leaving, as the people at the central bureau of statistics who were supposed to do the calculations has also left.

    According to Hever the zionist project has come to an end and the current system of injustice is coming apart. To him, emulating South Africa’s transition away from apartheid is the only way forward of “Israelis” are to have a future in Palestine.