lead singer of the band WIREHOUND (www.wirehound.com).

professional journalist and good writing guy with no spellinmg erors

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • @Unaware7013

    i think we can all agree with everything you said there.

    I definitely got the impression from OP that you did not, but I am more than happy to admit I am not perfect, and I can take wrong meanings from things with the best of them.

    cause i think we are all saying the same thing - this is fucking horrible, and no one should use any app of platform that harvests data from you this way. I just wanted to make it clear that this level of harvesting is not new. it’s not, like, going beyond a new threshold. this is what everyone signs up for when they get tiktok or facebook or even messenger.

    we should be angry but not act shocked. you know what i mean?

  • @Arotrios

    @m0bi13 @edu4rdshl

    Absolutely. I completely agree. I have Facebook because I have friends and family that basically require I use that to contact them. Never downloaded messager or any other thing. Not that they don’t have everything from Facebook anyway.

    But the person I was responding to wasn’t making the point that everything Zuck touches turns to shit and a money grab that torches user experience. Or that they are trying to stop any potential competitor or subsume them.

    They’re saying “look at all this data it’s going to harvest!!! Isn’t that INSANE?!?” When it’s literally the same almost every social media app on your phone does/has. There are a ton of arguments against anything zuck touches. Pretending the data harvesting is going to be new or groundbreaking is dishonest. Especially when, as I said, I would bet tiktok does all that and more. And it goes to a much worse actor.

  • @tikitaki


    Let’s not compare an invention (ie money/borders) to something completely made up that has no basis in reality.

    Just because money isn’t in nature and we invented it doesn’t mean it’s a societal delusion that we simply accept. You could say the same for cars and bikes and planes and video games. Literally everything fabricated is “a fake delusion”.

    Democracy is closer to what you’re saying but still not right.

    You have to compare a belief to a belief. You can compare religions and other philosophies using your logic but shouldn’t bring in real things cause it falls apart.