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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2024


  • First off, I notice You’ve capitalized first person pronouns more than once so I’ll assume it’s deliberate and capitalize second person pronouns to match - lmk if this isn’t right and I’ll sentence case them. Secondly, I agree sexuality terms won’t ever be able to perfectly describe everybody and IMO that’s okay - there’s too much variety to our experience and sexualities for that much specificity in labels, but the important part is having an umbrella term that encompasses all of us. I’m absolutely not trying to say that Your sexuality (or anyone else’s) should be excluded from that umbrella term - just adding my two cents about why I prefer that umbrella term to be “queer” or another alternative rather than “gay”. Lots of people seem to use gay to refer to anything relating to the GSM, and that (or You choosing gay as a label You like) is obviously valid - I just wanted to add another perspective since I got the impression from Your comment this was an ongoing decision rather than a piece of Your identity that was set in stone. If that impression is wrong, feel free to ignore this last part - You obvs don’t have to justify your choice of labels to me or anyone.
    If You are open to other suggestions, it seems like nonbinary people attracted to genders similar to their own fit the definition of homo/homosexual pretty perfectly - I personally consider myself (in order of specificity) gay, then homosexual, then queer. If I ever have a realization about my gender and learn I’m not a guy (but still something adjacent), then in my mind at least I’d stop being gay but continue being homo - and anything short of being both straight and cisgender would still make me queer. Again, no pressure to use/not use these or any labels - I just really value clarity in language even though it’s nearly a lost cause for things as varied and fluid as GSM stuff lol.

  • As much as I normally love and appreciate gender neutrality, I don’t think it belongs in a term like “gay” purely for clarity’s sake - words for sexualities are one of the only places gender actually matters in language imo. The word “gay” is the only popular term for men who like men that I’m aware of, and it’s already sometimes used as a bit of an umbrella term - I try to support all my siblings on the GSM, but sometimes I wanna be able to filter for things explicitly relevant to me the way nearly every other sexuality is able to. I’m aware it’s a very minor gripe and I’m not trying to gatekeep, but I’d personally prefer to see “queer” or another umbrella term used as a gender-neutral catch-all.

    Every non-sexuality-related term I’m with you 100%, someone’s femininity/masculinity/both/neither has no bearing and separate words aren’t needed; if I’m in a burning house I’ll be equally glad to see someone whether you call them a fireman, firewoman, or anything else. It’s just if I search for e.g. a gay novel, wanting characters I can directly relate to, I’m pretty invested in the relevant characters being men lol.

  • Whether or not you agree with AI image generation, the authors of this study have pulled off something impressive. This particular study isn’t going to be the single most important thing to humanity this year, sure, but they made a pretty clever stride in pushing a developing field forward and you don’t need to be excited about the field itself to appreciate that.
    I’m assuming your dislike for AI image generation is based on the plagiarism issue, which is absolutely valid, but model architecture is separate from training data and the concepts here are perfectly usable with a more moral training set. The companies scraping all the data - OpenAI, google, and to a much lesser extent stability AI - are the ones to blame for that problem, not researchers working on model architecture.

  • Cannot believe how many people got wooshed by what’s clearly bait (brand new account, and posting this shit? To probably the most left-leaning form of social media you could find?) There’s so many reasons to shit on conservatives I’ve lost count - we really don’t need to astroturf more.

  • Face ID is also fully encrypted and 100% local, plus scans in 3D to be a lot more secure. I meme on Apple a lot but it’s genuinely one of the best features I’ve seen on any phone, period - fast, instant, secure, and private access to your shit. Third party apps can use it similarly to PAM in Linux, where they only get the Boolean result and no data about your biometrics, and the decryption key is stored in some apple-specific chip that’s only accessible at the root level iirc. I’d literally sell my soul to get them to open source Face ID; I haven’t seen another implementation yet that’s as good and even on Linux with a beefy-ass gpu I can’t replicate the wake/unlock speed even old iPhones can manage in my own algorithms. It works with sunglasses on, different facial expressions, while brushing your teeth - the fuckin thing even recognizes when you’re looking at the screen vs when someone’s just pointing your phone at your face. I’ve literally tested it with someone else holding my phone towards my face trying to get Face ID to let them in, and as long as I don’t glance at it (with my pupils alone, no head movement) it won’t let them in. Before it ever got to that point anyway, you can just press power+volume up while the phone’s locked to disable biometrics and require a passcode - this is one feature that’s seriously well thought out for privacy. My trust does not come easily to closed-source for-profit companies’ “privacy” features, but this isn’t your usual google or Microsoft bullshit that’s a thinly veiled attempt to get more of your data. I dislike apple’s walled garden bullshit, but I gotta admit it lets them focus on making baller features like this one instead of needing to steal data or show ads in all their shit like Samsung or google.
    Anyway there’s like a million valid things to shit on apple for, just pointing out that this isn’t one of them lol. Promise I’m not a shill (I’m just as likely to do a rant hating on their bullshit as I am to defend them), I’m just way too passionate about Face ID.
    Obligatory source on the privacy aspects

  • felsiq@lemmy.ziptoLinux@lemmy.mlNvidia to AMD
    1 month ago

    I did a search for nvidia on my system and got these, which OP might wanna check for too:


    I’ve installed extra packages for proton and machine learning, so some of these may not be there, but hopefully that helps.