fuckiforgotmypasswor [comrade/them,any]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 17th, 2021


  • So be fucking outraged then that Russia started and is continuing this war

    its so weird that the day the tanks rolled over the border of Ukraine history magically just began, there was no material reality prior to this event, or any geopolitical events of consequence we could connect to this outcome, certainly none that had to do with openly threatening to expand a hostile military alliance with supersonic and nuclear missiles 5 minutes from the capital city of Moscow

    i wonder if the US has ever done the exact same thing in the name of national security and what the NATO heads said about it then

    every pro NATO take is certified baby brain shit that demonstrates nothing but a lack of understanding of material reality, history, geopolitics, on top of an absolute disregard for human life, gross hypocrisy and a level of false outrage that is always directly proportional to how loudly they’re calling to escalate bloodshed

    Russia is committing genocide. “So do the humanitarian thing and send depleted uranium shells to this warzone. Slava Ukraini!!!”

    log off dude

  • let the Russians steamroll Ukraine and take everything?

    I’ve noticed that every pro-NATO voice screaming “war good” has to pretend like the binary outcome of this war is a) Ukraine becomes Russia and every living inhabitant is genocided (see above comment from bibibi for case in point), or b) Ukraine heroically drives back Russia with magic in a completely asymmetrical and unwinnable war

    Come on.

    And then finishes their comment with something like this

    There’s no material analysis to support any of this

    The only way to get to that viewpoint is to believe Putin is an irrational, genocidal maniac hellbent on killing checks notes neighbors who are ethnically russian, who also desperately wants to push even more of Russia’s border right up against a hostile NATO. It’s no surprise that the people saying this shit are pro NATO and don’t understand the material reality underlying geopolitical conflicts like this one

    Not gonna touch the “fledgeling democracy” thing, other comrades can dunk on that chefs-kiss

  • I’m just curious – why are you so concerned with the nation-state of Ukraine maintaining its border, at apparently any cost? You virtue signal all day long that you’re just concerned for the poor Ukranians, and yet you seem to conflate land, people, and constructed imaginary borders like they’re interchangeable. Does “surrender of every square kilometer of their land” mean the same as them “losing their lives?” Is there a giant killswitch that just obliterates every inhabitant of a country when the arbitrary name associated with that land changes?

    The point is this: I’ve got cousins fighting on the frontlines who can’t wait to get the fuck out of that warzone, and you seem to have more of a perfectly liberal, purely aesthetic disgust for the idea of land changing ownership than you do for the notion of hundreds of thousands of people dying in a fucking trench in a needless war.

    Fuck Putin, fuck Zelensky, fuck Ukraine and fuck Russia, fuck the United States, and fuck the bourgeois scum who pump out all the vile propaganda you’re regurgitating, that tell you a piece of land is worth more than your family’s life.

  • Reuben…fired on a vehicle accelerating into an Iraqi checkpoint. As the vehicle approached the checkpoint, he shot into and stopped the advancing automobile. Approaching it to investigate, the unit saw he had killed the driver. But he had also “splattered his head all over the driver’s child. Six years old. He was sitting in the passenger seat. The fifty caliber does a number on the human body. The man’s head was just gone. It was everywhere.”

    Reuben has ruminated over that moment for many years, trying to reconcile how he had followed the standard protocol but with horrific results – and trying to convince himself, as he told us, that he is not a monster.

    Most civilians will never carry the burden of mortality that Reuben bears.

    No, yeah, you are a fucking monster. I don’t give a fuck. The second you realized going into someone elses country and firing into people’s fucking civilian homes wasnt gonna be “like Call of Duty” (actual quote – again, fuck off) any self respecting person who gives a shit about the loss of human life would have left, dishonorably charged or not. Oh, sorry, your EGO is more important.

    Boo fucking hoo. I’m sure you wish it was you getting your head blown off with a fucking 50 cal, right? Fuck you. Go have your fucking pity party alone in the corner, or see if you can get the warmongering, racist, profit extracting fucking ghouls you murdered for to give a shit.