robinnn [he/him]

“I… am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood” — John Brown

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2024

  • Political views such as: “murdering Palestinian journalists to cover up war crimes is itself a war crime and wrong” should have no place in the apolitical atmosphere of music. These comments, in fact, have “caused offence and distress” to me and my entire family, and, though we held a ceremony to burn the tickets we purchased in a gas fire, it was not until the concert was cancelled and Melbourne Symphony Orchestra “offer[ed] a sincere apology” that we were fully able to mentally recover (though, of course, the wound still lingers). My wife nearly died (due to the distress, of course) when she heard the news, so I do hope MSO will be paying for her cosmetic surgery.

    All in all, it seems common sense that background checks are necessary to make sure the music played by this orchestra is either meaningless drivel or based upon apolitical themes such as flowers or Star Wars, so that we all may enjoy the tunes without divisions being sown between us, pro and anti murder alike!

  • “What all these gentlemen lack is dialectics… they do not see that here nothing is absolute and everything relative. For them Hegel has never existed.” — Engels

    You’re taking a very undialectical approach to the issue, where the problems within Iran (age of marriage here), stemming in large part from economic problems brought on by Western and particularly US imperialism, are proof of the “moral” quality of Iran as compared to the US, and, so too, Iran’s underdevelopment brought upon by these factors in main being its “moral” pride compared to the US as it cannot oppress other nations to nearly the same degree and often must act against national oppression.

    The very idea of the comparison of the “morality” of nations like Iran and the US is beyond nonsense.

  • The legacy of a person is their words and actions, is dying some immensely noble act? Obviously being disrespectful towards the dead is accepted in some cases, so it’s not a rule, and you have to justify this individual case outside of moralist platitudes.

    Remember when the same people who called Trump a racist fascist who wanted to destroy democracy^TM and obliterate the rights of huge segments of the US population went and wished him well after his ear was grazed by a paper airplane, condemning all celebrations of this as morally repugnant? And the same for when he caught Covid years ago? Why? Can people only be disrespected when they’re in perfect health with a full blood supply and intact ears?

  • You act like it’s blatantly obvious that commodities would exist under communism and mock the person who pointed it out to you, yet you vehemently deny that something else just as obvious as the existence of commodities will also still very much exist and have a place under communism, calling it utter nonsense and requiring “bourgeois philosophy” without any explanation.

    It’s blatantly obvious that commodities would not exist under communism, just as it’s obvious that private property, exchange property, would not (and with it the treatment of sex not as a private affair but a thing to be bought and sold, even in the realm of marriage).

    That something else involves sex, though. Hmm. Funny how work that involves sex always brings out a specific type with an angry and reactionary axe to grind.

    You highlight the work aspect of sex work as if I’m saying it’s not work, or to say that it‘s work only quantitatively different from manufacturing goods, delivering goods, etc. I’m not saying sex work is immoral or impure or condemning it based on moral judgement.

    Someone may sleep with many members of society and be supported in their needs by the community through the immense wealth of the people under communism, but the support of their needs would not be predicated on their sleeping with members of the community. And their activity would necessarily not contribute to the welfare of the whole community but only persons selected.

    At least u/porcupine can make a reasonable case by redefining prostitution as something other than and separate from sex work rather than denying the legitimacy and validity of sex work.

    Replacing cash with goods doesn’t make prostitution not sex work or change the relations at play. People misunderstand communism, due to a misunderstanding of its relation to early communal society, as some sort of return to the end stage of historical communities where everyone lives in common low development and individual exchange happens under the table. There will be no room for individual exchange because the phase of individual ownership of items of exchange has passed, and in fact communism will free sexual relations from the restrictions of private property, and therefore of even de-facto prostitution such as the marriage based on financial dependence.