This video shows that Reddit refused to delete all comments and posts of its users when they close their account via a CCPA / GDPR request.

  • lemmyvore
    1 year ago

    There are many ways in which Reddit can continue to be self-sustaining as a platform and even turn a small healthy profit.

    But let’s face it, the owners don’t want that. They see it as an opportunity for them personally to make a few millions. They don’t care if it destroys the platform in the process.

    The catch is that nobody’s interested in Reddit as a social platform. Whoever buys it will do it for legal access to the comment archive, then gut it. And it will most likely be someone with LLM interests.

    But they won’t pay top dollar for that archive because, let’s face it, everybody who wanted it already has it. It was freely accessible to search engines and the world at large for almost 20 years, it’s a bit late to ask money for it now.