Monero Gift is a printable template for people that want to easily give Monero away as a present.

Here’s the printable PDF: Gift.pdf

The source .ai file is available here if you want to make changes:

Note: When you write down the seed phrase, make sure it’s in all lower case. Cake Wallet only accepts lowercase words.

I usually use this printable in tandem with an Amazon Gift Card. For example, I would give $50 USD worth of XMR and $50 USD worth of Amazon Gift Card in the same envelope in case my gift receiver does not want anything to do with cryptocurrency. If the gift receiver does not transfer the funds to their own wallet within 1 year, the funds can be swept and regifted.

  • g2devi
    9 months ago

    The main problem I see with this is that it looks complicated and it’s unclear how to spend Monero upfront, so the bulk of people won’t follow through on this even if they understood what to do. The BTCtip is closer to what being approachable…fewer words and a barcode to get to the site directly and an expiration date to encourage people to act now (and let you know if the gift was accepted). Ultimately, I don’t see how you can avoid some one-on-one preparation (possibly with some hand holding) for this to work.