I remember when it was just Hulu for $5 and Netflix for $8. Saved $50 a month from cable. Now it seems we spend more. I have four. Max, Peacock, Paramount and Hulu. Prime doesn’t count because it sucks balls. (Only paying Netflix when next Stranger Things and Squid Game is released). Curious to see what the average Lemmer/Lemming (what do we call ourselves?) has?

  • gerryflap
    8 months ago

    None of the traditiona streaming video ones. I have F1 TV and Spotify. Streaming video and movies are fun, but don’t really match with how my brain works.

    It’s way easier to maintain focus on a a video game for me, since it allows me to determine the pace more and it provides constant interaction. If things go to slow, my brain tends to jump focus to the next most interesting thing and get distracted.

    An issue I also have with story driven content is that I start feeling the emotions of the characters extremely hard. If something stressful or sad happens then I’ll get very tense, stressed, or sad, which I don’t enjoy too much. So instead of a relaxing activity it becomes a very stressful one for a lot of series.

    If I really want to see something I tend to take a 1 month subscription and binge it all in that month.