Hello, everyone! More often than I wish to, I act as a leader for groups of people. I act as the de-facto manager organising a group of friends, uni projects etc. due to the usual lack of innecitive on the side of other members. Not really into this role, to be honest, but since this is happening often enough, I might as well get better at it.

Bonus points for the book, if:

  • It was written by a regular manager. As I can see, a lot of books on this topic were written by CEOs, top-managers, rich owners etc. and the main component for their success was not the abilities, but the giant budget or luck.
  • It avoids the survivorship bias and reflects on the negative experience.
  • Has concrete examples of the author implementing their advice.
  • Is fairly short.
  • lemmyvore
    7 months ago

    “Managing Humans” and/or “The Art of Leadership” by Michael Lopp. They have different takes, the former is more about dealing with others and the latter about improving your own skills.
