I got the Sacrifice aspect from a dungeon and it looks pretty nice for my Necro blood build, but I’m afraid to use it. It will only apply to a weapon, and my current weapon that I want to keep is legendary, with an aspect I imprinted on it (blood surge echo, means I get a free blood surge effect every time I use it). If I imprint Sacrifice I will lose this imprinted aspect, and I cannot remove it, if I understand correctly. Is that also the case with the aspects I find when completing a dungeon? I’m going to need to replace this weapon at some point soon, when I get a better one, but I don’t want to lose the aspect…

  • Koen967
    1 year ago

    You can imprint aspects from clearing a dungeon an infine amount of times. The roll you get will be the lowest possible though. Imprinted aspects are not removable by extraction, but they are overwritable by imprinting. The sacrificial aspect isn’t only imprint able on a weapon though. You can imprint it to 1h, 2h weapons, gloves, rings and amulets. https://hardcoregamer.com/db/d4/d4-sacrificial-aspect-diablo-4-database/446907/