I am selfhosting Navidrome for sometimes but its lacks of support for multiple values really bugs me. Since I am having some free time, I’ve decided to write an opensubsonic server in rust (why rust? you guess). The notable features are:

  • In-memory transcoding with ffmpeg c api. Faster transcoding with no ffmpeg binary required and no need for pre-configurated transcoding profile.
  • Multiple values for artists/album artists/etc.
  • Permission models music folder per user.

It is still actively developped and lacks some Opensubsonic features (playlist/starr) and some external integrations like lastfm. However I would like to post it get some feedback about it.

Thank you very much!

  • @boerbiet
    31 month ago

    Now that’s awfully cool of you 😄. I’ll give that a spin with Symfonium this weekend; much obliged!

    • @lyoko@lemm.eeOP
      31 month ago

      Thank you! I just want to make my server as much cross-platform as possible :D