• balerion@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    But like… You’re still treating the rights of states as if they supersede the rights of individuals. I don’t understand this. Why should the majority of people ever have the right to oppress the minority? “Just move,” you say, but it’s never that easy. What if you can’t afford to move? What if nowhere else will take you? What if nowhere else is any better? What if you just don’t want to leave behind your whole life? Why should you have to move, anyway, when the majority can just practice their religion in peace without imposing it on you at no cost to themselves?

    Surely you don’t believe that if 51% of the populace votes to become a Stalinist dictatorship, they should be able to impose that on the 49% who are Objectivists. Or is “might/majority makes right” genuinely your argument here?

    I don’t see how getting rid of some of the less democratic aspects of American democracy is “remaking the entire political system in [liberals’] own image.” To put it bluntly, I think America would be more or less the same hellhole it is today even if all those reforms were implemented. The human wood chipper that is American society would still be chipping away, just maybe at a slightly slower rate.

    Also, I disagree that not everyone wants to change the political landscape to match their own views. Unless you happen to think our current system is perfect, of course you want that. That’s what having an opinion is. You say you don’t want to remake things, but not wanting to remake things is part of your ideology. Do you see what I mean? You’re kind of saying, “I actually don’t want things to be the way I want them to be,” which doesn’t make any sense.