Baldur’s Gate 3 is a “mega hit” that Hasbro expects to pay dividends for years

    8 months ago

    Okay okay. So let me get this straight. Story bad. You realise story has been a centre point of gaming for a long long long time.

    Second. As someone who has played games for 25+, there’s plenty of games out there if you just want constant combat. Doom for example. Halo. Overwatch. Apex. Dark souls.
    Even combat heavy games have stories though. Overwatch has background lore and in game story now.
    Doom gotta save everyone from bad alien dudes.
    Halo. Stop the covenant using the rings.
    Dark souls… Well dark souls is so lore heavy it’s hard to keep up with the story.

    So if you don’t like story in games. Well maybe stick to space invaders and leave the good games to people who actually appreciate good games.