• Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
    8 months ago

    Bro, boris is not a commie at all. He showed up in breakthrough news and ranted about how Russian army gonna collapse in 3 days just like Russian and EU libs. Only KPRF is a valid commie party in Russia and no, they are not controlled opposition. Controlled opposition is Republican Party in US and the EU leftists (mainstream) in Europe.

    https://youtu.be/bjnNdaNC0vU?si=BoNS8rzpt1x335ED lol 😂


    • The Free Penguin@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      KPRF is controlled opposition, they suck up to Putin too much. All the idiots that run the party like Zuganov need to be purged

      • Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
        8 months ago

        The "controlled opposition " term was coined by liberal press of EU/US to negate any credibility of Putin’s government while their cute opposition leaders all support genocide in Gaza and war in Ukraine (one way or the other ). All the Western “opposition” Are sock puppets of military industrial complex. If there is any original "opposition " It is in Asiatic countries whom liberal outlets don’t give a sh**. 2nd , whether what should be done in KPRF it’s no business of westerners . Westerners should clearly focus on their side of things instead of poking the commies or leftists of empire targeted countries.

        • The Free Penguin@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          “what should be done in KPRF it’s no business of westerners”

          Yes, but denying that Zuganov is a revisionist and controlled opposition is right-deviationist

          • Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
            8 months ago

            Zyganov supported Chinese policies along before Putin showed good relations with china. If Zyganov praising Deng Xiaoping and calling for socialist transformation through peaceful means (when the conditions are wrong for revolution) then I don’t see it as capitulation. Regarding capitalists in Kprf , China also did the same in during 1990s until Xi came to power and curb the capitalists. I am not saying they don’t have errors and mistakes. Every commie party has because that’s what makes them political parties but we have to understand through contradictions in our era.

    • khorovodoved@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      KPRF is a valid commie party? What? A party that is controlled by bourgeoisie, a party that nominates a businessman for presidential election is a valid commie party? It is social-democratic at best. Just read it’s program, there is nothing communist about it.

      • Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
        8 months ago

        Bro, in CPC there are/were lots of business men and women . I have read it’s program and it supports CPC’s ideological preference for a mixed economy and doesn’t want a revolution at this point. Or rather they want a gradual transformation. Many global South communist parties work in this way.

        • khorovodoved@lemm.ee
          8 months ago

          Bro, I am very glad for CPC, but it is easy for them to avoid revolution since they are already in power. Also, CPC is not considered as a valid communist party by the majority of communists in Russia. But the situation in KPRF is much worse. This party was created with the help of anti-communist politicians, most of it’s leaders are businessmen. The bourgeois party can not be communist by definition. You are right about that KPRF does not want revolution, of course it doesn’t! It would hurt their income. It has not done a single positive thing for working class. It votes for social-oriented laws only when their vote does not matter. They do not organize strikes, they only monopolize the word “communist” and go to court against every over party that tries to use it like it is some kind of trademark. It has full support of anti-communist Russian government, including Putin himself. And about “global south” communist parties, well, it’s a pity, but it is no surprise. Most of communist parties moved to the right in the last couple of decades.

          • Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
            8 months ago

            But KpRf believes CPC is a valid commie party, we commie Indians think it is too. I don’t know where you came from but Putin doesn’t support the communists. Commies exist because of the ideological tendencies of Russia and right now as the bourgeois nationalists and commies are united by imperialist attacks doesn’t mean they love each other. Previously Mao and Chiang Kai sek had mutual trust to oust the Japanese from China. Chiang nearly had killed the last emperor for betraying China. Read history you will get various instances where left United with bourgeois to take down imperialism and that’s why Russia is in such position. Regarding about Russian commies. Russian young commies don’t have realistic ideas, most guys think Putin invaded for some gas in Ukraine or they don’t care if Russia wins or loses. That’s pretty much doing the job for imperialism. Russian young commies also hated when Russia entered in Syria. Most young non kprf commies are non sensical in regards to foreign policy and full of imperialist talking points. I will say Putin has to stay vigilant.

            And no, it was not easy for them. CPC did numerous adventures in Jiang era and it had lots of corruption, same goes for Vietnam. Jiang even invited the capitalists to CPC which Xi reversed it.

            • khorovodoved@lemm.ee
              8 months ago

              My point is not that CPC is not a communist party. Ma point is that KPRF isn’t one. So KPRF’s opinion about other party does not matter much in context of this conversation.

              I came from Russia, St. Petersburg, and Putin does support KPRF, he congratulates them on every occasion, he brags how Zyuganov is second man in Russian politics, he basically blocks registration of any other communist party in Russia (like RKRP, for example). The union between KPRF and Russian authorities, it started long before split between Russia and West and continued through 90s and 2000s up to this point. KPRF basically exists because of Russian authorities that gifted then some of confiscated money of CPSU back in 1993. At that time there were already different communist parties in Russia, but Eltsin funded creation of this one. The same people who were in charge of Eltsin campaign, were alsa in charge of KPRF’s campaign back then. This party basically betrayed it’s voters every time it could, like in 1996.

              I know history quite well. Especially history of Russia. For example, there were social-democrates who decided to unite with bourgeois, the2y called themselfs “mensheviks” and they failed miserably. But there were others, who choose revolution, called themselves “Bolsheviks” and later renamed themself to “communists”. Those established the first socialist state on earth and managed to spread left ideas to half of the world.

              The problem with KPRF is not that they support anti-imperialist actions of Putin, many other left parties in Russia do the same. The problem is that they are not supporting anti-capitalist movement inside Russia and even more, they are even interfering with over people trying to do that.

              And about young communists in Russia, I do not know there do you come from with this opinion. There are some organization, mostly Trotskyism-oriented who think that because Putin is bad, everything that he does is also bad. But those are not the only ones, and even more, they arr considered outcasts and foolish by the majority. Although they are quite “loud”.

              • Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
                8 months ago

                KPRF was created by the bourgeoisie is a old lie perpetuated by the right wingers and libs. I constantly see it on Quora by Russian libs such as Dima Vorobiev, they repeat the old lib jab of CPC having capitalists in China.

                Your point is… Basically I simp for CPC for some reason but when Russia commies do the same you hate them. No commie party is without faults and errors. Human history is full of mistakes. Will you call Jiang Zemin era where CPC introduced capitalists right into the party as “communism” Or fight against capitalism. It is not. Russian commies are learning and they are evolving, to discard them as tools of Putin is a EU imperialist talking point. Sorry not interested. Regarding Putin congratulating Zygunanov. Lol… Have you ever been to India? Kerala communists always get greetings from centrists and semi right wingers. Lol.

                You guys always talk for revolution and such. It will not happen in Russia until US and EU imperialists are defeated. To quote 1917 decisions where imperialism was weak doesn’t make any sense in 2023. Right now imperialism has evolved into Hyper-imperialism , read the document by Vijay Prashad.

                • khorovodoved@lemm.ee
                  8 months ago

                  KPRF being created by the bourgeois is shared opinion among everyone in Russia but KPRF itself. Open website of any Russian left movement and see what they think about KPRF. Because it is a fact it can be used by anyone including right-wingers, yes. Right-wingers can even say that the earth is round, but it does not mean that it is in fact flat.

                  Why do you think I simp for CPC? I just do not want to discuss here if it is communist party or not since it is a complicated matter. But for the record I do not like current policy of CPC. But CPC does not repress left movement in Russia, KPRF does. Russian communists learn from past fails, yes. Only, communists are not in control of KPRF. There are some communists in that party, but on regional level. There ate many comunists in other parties in Russia as well. Only those parties are not allowed to be registered and participate in elections. As for Putin attitude with KPRF it would be fine if not for his attitude to all other communist parties in Russia.

                  Complete victory against imperialism without revolution would only create the next big imperialist. I do not say that we should right now shtorm kremlin, but supporting his internal politics is not something a communist would do.

                  • Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
                    8 months ago

                    Complete victory against imperialism without revolution would only create the next big imperialist

                    Pure nonsense, I won’t go again with WW1 version of inter imperialist fight to understand multipolarity.

                    Revolution won’t happen in Russia because Russia is in active fight against hybrid imperialism . You live in utopian world where you judge Russia by 1917 standards, world has changed a lot.

                  • Hadmhd@lemmygrad.mlOP
                    8 months ago

                    We have communists who whole heartedly support Ukraine and Azov nazis. You don’t have to tell me what those other “left” Guys think of KPRF because those guys say what ever doesn’t make them valid. Take for example, our hardcore naxal based party politburo member started ranting about Stalin and Ukrainian holodomor in 2022 and then about how Putin is a fascist while CPIM stayed with neutrality and correctly condemned NATO for staging the crisis. That naxal politburo member always had to go to left page and was invited by yankee “communist” DemocracyNow where she spoke about how Putin is authoritarian and India is helping Russian fascists. Well Americans would love these “marxists” And leftists who always had a hard on anti marxist marxist. When CPC was in 2010s , yankee left started their propaganda how Cultural Revolution was great and so on. That’s how Boris karvorlitsy works. Sorry not attending his idiotic left pages to know about KPRF.