Alright, so we pump energy into a chaotic system and obviously the extremes will get more exteme. Stronger hurricanse, colder hurricanse and snap freezes, deeper floods, wet bulb events further north than you think possible, whatever. This is the known unknown.

I am existentially afraid of the unknown unknowns. At what point do the phytoplankton I’m currently breathing the poop of have a mass extinction event? All of human civilization is about to drown on dry land and I spend 5 days a week maintaining software that charges people for turning on their lights.

I crave death I crave oblivion death to america death to capitalism death to me.

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Existentially afraid? No way, man, when I die in the Water Wars of 2032 I’ll get to die knowing that my life had meaning, that I served a purpose, that I was more than a sack of meat that dreamed it was special. And my purpose was the ensure that the supply lines from Lake Michigan remained open through the ruins of Chicago so that the Duke of Peoria could control supply of fresh water to his serfs and retainers, thus protecting his own holy rule. And so long as the Duke of Peoria maintains his just rule of the farmlands of Illinois he can protect us from the savage Iowan raiders. I hear they love nothing except to destroy the works of pious men and worship foreign gods from the distant Orient.