Dressed as a German style soldier, not even SS or Gestapo, does not automatically make the images Nazi. Only one is in German uniform.
Just shows AI isn’t as wonderful as some would make out, but unfortunately some people will accept that it’s factually correct. That’s where the danger lies.
And the blame lies entirely on the companies themselves. False advertising to attract investors and placate shareholders that means lying through their teeth to make a fuss and then backtracking through language manipulation.
They created the media that exists today. The resulting mess is their responsibility.
Dressed as a German style soldier, not even SS or Gestapo, does not automatically make the images Nazi. Only one is in German uniform.
Just shows AI isn’t as wonderful as some would make out, but unfortunately some people will accept that it’s factually correct. That’s where the danger lies.
And the blame lies entirely on the companies themselves. False advertising to attract investors and placate shareholders that means lying through their teeth to make a fuss and then backtracking through language manipulation.
They created the media that exists today. The resulting mess is their responsibility.
The word “Nazi” wasn’t part of the prompt though.
The prompt was “1943 German Soldier”… so if, like you said, the images are “Dressed as a German style soldier”, I’d say it’s not too bad.
To be fair, it tried very hard to generate nazis donned in swastikas and what not, but it failed at that too.