Something cool, all the boomers just say gardens, bushes, trees, shrubs, grass. Why add those extra chores to my life for something that useless.

Thinking about backyard DIY skatepark, or a gym pit.

    1 year ago

    Inconspicuous garden speaker & subwoofer set, 3D laser and some outdoor lighting if you don’t already have a nice space to hang out at. It’s nice having a little table and a couple chairs but making it easy to hang out in can make a big difference.

    Could pick up a hobby doing some kind of sculptures whether it’s metal or a skatesticle course, could build a local forge.

    If you want some greenery outside of walking spaces (or in) that’s low maintenance then just seeding clover and wildflowers can actually be easy as long as it’s not too hot and gets watered every other day or so. They sprout pretty quick too.

    I think those are my 3, monoprice is decent for some speakers and if you like the lighting otherwise Amazon or bhphoto