Hi all!

We know you all have been waiting patiently for a new Flashpoint release since 11.1, but rest assured that Flashpoint 12’s release is drawing ever closer!

So what’s all new to the project?

Name Change

Well, you may have noticed we’ve changed the name of our socials, including here on Lemmy. As you may know, BlueMaxima has stepped down as the project lead, and with that we’ve been discussing the project’s name. After numerous name suggestions, and a vote being held, it seemed as if what was wanted was simplicity, which is why we’ve changed our name from “BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint” to “Flashpoint Archive”.

Our Discord Server

Additionally, we’ve made many changes to our Discord server! The help channel has been changed from the old chat to a new forums layout to better organize and target help for specific issues that our users are facing. We’ve also changed the names of a few channels in the server in order to help people better navigate the community.

If you simply can’t wait to see what Flashpoint 12 has in store, then you’re in luck! We have a preview launcher for you all to try out, but be aware there may be some bugs!
