
The US Trade and Development Agency has announced funding for a series of international workshops to advance US-led civil nuclear energy deployment in Europe and Eurasia.

USTDA Director Enoh Ebong announced the funding following her participation in the US delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s inaugural Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels last week.

The USTDA is an independent federal government agency focused on connecting US companies with export opportunities in emerging markets. The agency achieves its mission by funding feasibility studies, technical assistance and pilot projects that integrate US private sector innovation into infrastructure projects at the critical early stages when design choices and technology options are determined. It also connects overseas project sponsors with US partners through its reverse trade missions, industry conferences and expert workshops.

Over the next two years, USTDA will host four workshops in Europe and the USA to promote industry-wide transatlantic partnerships and support decision-makers as they plan for implementation of civil nuclear energy projects. The first workshop will be held later this year at the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

USTDA said this workshop series takes the next step following its previous five-part workshop series on small modular reactor (SMR) technology and civil nuclear energy regulations and standards in Europe. That series focused on bringing together US and European public and private sector officials to focus on creating an enabling environment for SMR deployment in Europe.

This programme is the latest in USTDA’s recent portfolio of nuclear energy-related activities, including project preparation to enhance climate and energy security in Indonesia, Poland, Romania and Ukraine. The agency noted that in Poland and Romania, USTDA’s assistance led to the selection of US technology for pioneering nuclear energy projects.

“Civil nuclear energy holds promise as a clean and secure energy solution, and USTDA is at the forefront of supporting our partners both to develop frameworks for deployment and to advance their individual infrastructure needs,” Ebong said. "Our previous workshop series helped to bring consensus in Europe that small modular reactors have a role in the continent’s energy transition and climate plans.

“I am pleased to announce our upcoming series, which will build on this progress by focusing on technology deployment. We look forward to working with US industry and our European partners on an agenda that will generate opportunities for US companies while helping our partners advance their energy and climate goals.”