• daltotron@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I will take the hot take devil’s advocate position, and mostly agree with this. I’m not sure it really does too much to call out these clowns for their hypocrisy, other than make everyone sort of, feel better about their own preconcieved political dispositions, and dunk on a homophobe. The people who support these freaks are operating on a different sort of framework. Often it’s not straight up denialism as much as it is like, some sort of idiotic conception about the fall of western culture, or about god punishing the wicked from some shit that’s stupidly cited in leviticus, or paul being an asexual rapture doomer.

    I think the only way that this is really like, blown, bu dum tsss, blown up into a larger issue, right, at least, for libs, rather than being like, a one-off easy dunk case, is if we maybe extrapolate that all, or a large portion, of these homophobic crusaders is also just super closeted gay dudes. I don’t know whether or not that’s the case, like disproportionately, right, but I think it’s probably not good to sort of, operate on that assumption, or extrapolate this to be the case, based on these kinds of incidents. I dunno, guys, he could be bisexual, he could be bi. This would be typical bisexual behavior, honestly. And, is it gay to be bisexual, fellas?

    In any case, I mostly hate this dude more for the fact that he’s a homophobic shitbag, more than the fact that he’s giving someone a blowie. The blowie is probably his best quality, I would say. You think his head game is strong, or not? Be honest now, I don’t wanna hear that his political views prevent him from giving good head, if that were the case then bipolar sacred geometry crystal girlfriends would be out of business.