holy shit, it’s Ready Player One for race scientists

He was giving knight errant, organ-meat eater, Byronic hero, Haplogroup Rlb. She was giving damsel in distress, pill-popper pixie dream girl, Haplogroup K. He was in his fall of Rome era. She was serving sixth and final mass extinction event realness. His face was a marble statue. Her face was an anime waifu. They scrolled into each other. If they could have, they would have blushed, pink pixels on a screen. Monkey covering eyes emoji. Anime nosebleed GIF. Henlo frend. hiii.

Here’s The Cut puff piece on Levy which just mentions in passing her podcast with Curtis Yarvin.

anyway, nice to know they’re still trying to make Dimes Square a thing

  • Sean@zirk.us
    5 maanden geleden

    @flizzo @dgerard I’m Ryan Gosling in Drive and Blue Valentine, but I’m not Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson or La La Land. I’m American Psycho, but I’m not The Rules of Attraction. I’m Taxi Driver, but I’m not Raging Bull.

    Discard what’s false and regard what’s truest
    Then render me thy answer to this:
    What roles must I play when I’m Daniel Day-Lewis?

    • gerikson@awful.systems
      5 maanden geleden

      Weirdly (or maybe not, because Bret Easton Ellis) Patrick Bateman has a cameo in The Rules of Attraction