• IgnoreKassandra@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The difference between this and Afghanistan being that we don’t have boots on the ground, we’re just supporting a geopolitical ally avoid GENOCIDE via a geopolitical enemy.

    I’m in favor of my tax dollars going to keeping Americans alive for once, instead of being spent on yet another war we shouldn’t be involved in in the first place.

    Okay, from that perspective allowing Russia to grind itself into nothing prevents future proxy wars where Americans will die. Russia is an enemy of the United States. They fund anti-american terrorist groups, the interfere with our election, they attempt assassinations on US soil. Allow Russia to operate unchallenged does not result in a safer world for the American people.

    Also, maybe I’m the asshole here, but I feel like America SHOULD get involved to stop literal, capital G genocide. I think the fact that you’re happy to watch Russia exterminate Ukrainian towns just because it saves us a couple bucks pretty despicable. I mean, honestly, not to make that same worn out comparison, but if the Japanese hadn’t attacked us, would you have happily sat out of World War II because it “wasn’t our fight”?