I had such high hopes for that game and was perfectly ok with it being a straight L4D clone with updated graphics. Unfortunately, they did not copy the parts of L4D that made it really fun and replayable.
I don’t know what they were thinking with that pvp mode. We played a round or two after beating the campaign and that was the last night my group played. Really disappointing.
Too bad I lost interest over a year ago.
I had such high hopes for that game and was perfectly ok with it being a straight L4D clone with updated graphics. Unfortunately, they did not copy the parts of L4D that made it really fun and replayable.
I don’t know what they were thinking with that pvp mode. We played a round or two after beating the campaign and that was the last night my group played. Really disappointing.
I just love pausing my zombie shooting game to make a card deck
I actually kinda liked the deck system…the idea of it anyway. I didn’t love picking the cards while playing, though.
That’s likely the same for many others and exactly why they’ve now cut out the cancer