As we reel from the impacts of strange weather and the news of unprecedented ocean temperatures around the world, the moodsplainers are out in force. They tell us we are right to be anxious but wro…
My thanks to Prof Jem Bendell for expressing better than I could how misguided Rebecca Solnit and her ilk really are.
Wholeheartedly agree. Personally I believe that the only chance we as a species will be able to respond in time, is if there are a string of very acute very tragic disasters to galvanise a lasting global response. I don’t see how cooperation on such a scale is possible otherwise.
Wholeheartedly agree. Personally I believe that the only chance we as a species will be able to respond in time, is if there are a string of very acute very tragic disasters to galvanise a lasting global response. I don’t see how cooperation on such a scale is possible otherwise.