Haha take that commies.

I was masked in a hardware store. A guy who looked like Tom Skerritt from thirty years ago but taller and thinner looked at me and started ranting about communism with his employee. Did you know that communists want to get everyone dependent on the government? That’s their plan!!

He also said that he had read Marxists and recommended that his employee do so.

This guy also wears some kind of uniform with an American flag on the shoulder every day. I always got bad vibes from him but never really heard him speak. Until now.

I didn’t say anything because I go to this place all the time for work and I see him there constantly and suspect that he may be the owner.

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]@hexbear.net

    I always find it funny that god bestowed the right to own guns and say fuck ass to Americans specifically, and such rights can only be considered god given I’m if they’re enshrined in a constitution with no regulation (in their heads, even though it’s all regulated). Like the Swiss can own guns, but it’s not a god given right; it’s only “temporary government permission” because you have to prove you’re competent before owning a gun.