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We are doing our best to appeal the Reddit ban. In the meantime, we thought it might be nice to have a new safe space to snark and have made lemmy.ca our new home.
Please bear with us while we figure the new site out and please let any former TBP Reddit users know we are here!
Did anybody catch the completely unhinged comments from “cyndiewilliams87” (wonder who that could be…) and the reality account for TLPC on Jenette’s most recent posts? Like these people are legit cult level crazy, going so hard for this fraud. They since deleted their comments…I should’ve screen shot them
Yes and Janette ate them alive. I love that woman so much. Cindy deleted her comments because she embarrassed herself throughly lol.
I missed it too. Darn
Darn it I missed it!!
Oh I’m going to have try and keep up with this.
I creeped the account and it looked like a bot account, barely any followers or posts.
Based on the actual comment that was left, it was certainly not a bot. It was lengthy, aggressive and completely unhinged. They also replied back and forth a few times with Janette. It was an account created specifically to troll by one of her friends for sure. It seemed very Leaky
I used to wrong word, I didn’t mean bot lol I meant a troll account… it’s been a long day LOL
What did it say?
I just looked and they’re still there! The comments are on Janette’s post (yellow video).