This wall was to the supply room with all of the uniforms and PPE. The building was constructed in the mid-20th century so it turns out it’s full of asbestos. Thanks mole man.
This wall was to the supply room with all of the uniforms and PPE. The building was constructed in the mid-20th century so it turns out it’s full of asbestos. Thanks mole man.
The world trade centre building’s structural steel had sprayed on fireproofing made from asbestos up to the 50th floor I want to say. Making the 9/11 attacks the largest asbestos exposure in history lasting days and days because of how long the dust took to settle
Canada historically was one of the largest exporters worldwide. Until 2020 Canada still exported asbestos to India and China where it’s still used in industrial applications. I saw video of people unloading fluffy asbestos with shovels wearing paper face masks in India This was 2019. Asbestos fibres are approximately 50x thinner than a human hair so a pair mask may as well not exist if you have even the smallest amount of facial hair stubble
Holy shit death to Canada
Asbestos still accounts for the majority of workplace related injury and death at least here because of the long delay (10-50 years) between exposure and asbestosis/mesothelioma