Magic the gathering usually requires you to pay money to get pieces of cards to play with IRL, but we don’t have that restriction playing digitally.
I usually play on Tabletop Simulator, but there’s also the free and less computer demanding Cockatrice.

For newcomers to the game: Magic the gathering is a fairly complicated game, but you can learn it incrementally, learning new mechanics as you get more involved in it. I’d be happy to teach beginners. When you begin really understanding it, it only gets more and more fun. It’s also a social game, meaning there’s modes of play where you don’t have to try hard, and you can play for fun without playing to win.

If you’re interested in playing, leave a comment or send me a DM and if we get enough people (a regular game takes 3-4 players) I’ll try to organise a game. Note down your timezone as well in your message if you’re comfortable sharing that.

  • Babs [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Are there any decent free MTG drafting programs? Drafting a good block is probably my favorite paper format since you don’t need to build a collection, but also they can be balanced real nicely.

    • peppersky [he/him, any]
      4 months ago

      mtg forge for play against bots, xmage for play against other people. forge has like every possible set, hundreds of cubes, chaos draft and a whole bunch of singleplayer modes available.