I’m sick of posts complaining about Biden’s debate performance, or his age, or his response to Gaza. Comments saying he should step aside or “we coulda had Bernie.”

Shut the fuck up.

Biden is the nominee. He is the person Americans need to vote for to prevent another Trump presidency. Simple as that. There is no other option. The DNC isn’t going to change their nominee in July of an election year. You’re an idiot if you genuinely think otherwise.

It’s fine to criticize a president. Even one you support. But we are four months from the next election and all posts and comments attacking Biden right now are fuel for Trump. I don’t care if you’re a Russian troll or a well-meaning progressive. Criticizing Biden right now helps Trump win. Full stop.

Get your heads out of your asses and realize what is at stake.

  • Mango@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Nah, fucking do better. We have 330m people and this is the best you got? Get fucked. Throw the whole fucking system in the trash. I’m talking about that system that lets Trump get away with shit and puts me in jail and convicts me for trying to escape a guy who attacked me on the road. There ain’t shit any of you “good guys” have going on that fucking matters.