As children across the U.S. head back to classes and practices for fall sports, four more states are expecting their K-12 schools to keep transgender girls off their girls teams.

Kansas, North Dakota and Wyoming had new laws in place restricting transgender athletes before classes resumed, and a Missouri law takes effect at the end of this month, bringing the number of states with restrictions to 23.

    1 year ago

    The 50 are NOT more important than the 50,000,000.

    Get over yourself.

    You help the masses first with common, widespread problems. Those are the people who can in return get you reelected and help you grow the movement to help others. The 10 people here or the 20 people there or the 60 people over there don’t. They don’t move the needle when it comes to national support. They don’t have the numbers to keep you in power and they only breed resentment when the masses see one political party waste all its time, money and energy trying to help them at the expense of the suffering masses.

    You are selfish to put the needs of the teeny, tiny, fringe ahead of the millions who represent the masses.