On behalf of furry-ai gen community I would like to present a list of UX/UI improvements suggestions, which I hope users of other gens will find useful too.


  • Introduce copy button in prompt and anti prompt fields for better UX on mobile (click to copy)
  • Change anti-prompt field to be textarea (the one you can drag to expand)
  • Fix bug that makes it impossible to save a landscape-oriented image to the gallery without resorting to changing phone’s screen orientation (heart button is out of bounds, and I’m not the only one experiencing this)

Gallery Plugin

  • On mobile, thumbs up and thumbs down buttons on images in the gallery should show up without having to tap on an image to reveal these buttons to make it easier for people to upvote or downvote
  • Introduce double tap gestures for mobile users on images in gallery to make voting even easier. Double tap to upvote, double tap on upvoted picture to remove the upvote. Downvote could be without a gesture.
  • Implement tagging an image with user ID to prove identity of a poster, which may show up as a flair akin to one that the chat box has as an opt-in (by default all posts to the gallery are anonymous). Currently people tag their work with saveTitle and saveDescription, which is easy to impersonate. It would introduce some complexity for blocking though, then it could be treated in the following manner: blocking anonymous post of user A will block all all further anonymous posts of user A from the gallery, blocking non-anonymous post of user A will block further both anonymous and non-anonymous posts of user A from the gallery.
  • Introduce public/private galleries, public galleries being an opt-in (that is, by default gallery is private). It would be nice to have public galleries show up in a dropdown list when posting an image to the gallery or when browsing a gallery. At the very least, it would be nice for perchance to store the galleries that the user visited earlier in local storage, so it is easier to switch between them when saving or browsing, again KISS implementation could be just a simple dropdown list.
  • If public/private galleries end up being implemented, consider adding a description field to them.
  • Add the ability for the user to delete the images that they upload to the gallery. It’s quite weird that this functionality does not exist.
  • Blocking button 🚫 and hide image button with crossed eye icon are currently too far apart from one another, which makes it difficult to use because they both represent a form of blocking yet they are visually too far away from one another. From my experience people just go straight up blocking the poster and not the image. Perhaps the concept of blocking could be implemented by a click of a blocking button, and pop up being displayed afterwards asking what the user wants to do (block the user or block the image), or at least group the “hide image” and “block poster” together.
  • Implement grid view of images on mobile (similar to what Instagram has). On click, the view could change back to the 1-image-per-row view (again, like on Insta)
  • Implement search/filter in galleries (at least most simplistic, regex-based search by prompt and saveTitle/saveDescription)

Comments Plugin

  • Make all https://generated-images.perchance.org URLs to appear as hyperlinks in chat so that they are clickable, many times it gets annoying having to copy URL manually, even if its within perchance.
  • Add the ability to upvote (and possibly downvote) the messages in chatbox
  • Add the ability to edit your own messages in chatbox


  • Add the ability to talk other people’s generated characters found in gallery, not only your own during generation (possibly only with permission of the person who generated the character? Technically prompt is public to everyone, and given that the AI deduces the personality from prompt, it shouldn’t be an issue)
  • perplexity@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    Yep, I see what you’re getting at. The grid view like that could be an opt-in which will hide the buttons until clicked/tapped on an image (and thus getting brought back to normal view). The purpose is just getting rid of the need of extensive scrolling when browsing. I am not very strong with front-end so I apologize for my ignorance, but I think that dynamically adding and removing a class grid-view or something on a gallery container when grid view is active can do the trick. We force the container to apply flexbox with three small squares in a row. Buttons can simply enter into hidden visibility - or only upvote/downvote buttons can be present for convenience - when grid view like that is active and a tap/click on an image removes said class, bringing back the usual view along with the buttons. I could do a small POC when I have a minute, just sharing my thoughts for now. :)

    • wthit56@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      That would work if it was all just on the page. But each generated image and each gallery image is an iframe. The image you’re seeing is in a whole other window, effectively. So styles won’t get in there. You can style the iframe itself, resize it and such and the contents do adjust. (Though they just scale the image to fit, they don’t “cover” such that it cuts off the top and bottom if necessary, so forcing them to be square would warp a lot of images.) But to change stuff inside the iframe I think there’s only a limited amount of stuff you can do. You can give it a line of styles, but not give it classes and selectors and all that.