With these new rules, FIDE has managed to
- Imply the mental inferiority of women
- Validate the existence of transgender men
- Destroy the integrity of awards record-keeping
- Call transgender women men
Very nice, FIDE, incredible mental gymnastics performance! 👏 Add them to the ever lengthening sports federation shitlist.
Yeah I feel like it’s mostly a cultural thing. In the past, women were discouraged (and at a certain point not allowed) from playing chess, so it’s always been a male dominated hobby
In general, women tend to be reluctant to get into male dominated interests and occupations when there isn’t a welcoming, large enough space for them (e.g. depending on gender roles and expectations, some countries have mostly male doctors, some have an equal amount of male/female doctors, and some have mostly female doctors). So there isn’t exactly a large enough pool of women who care enough to really get into chess and make achievements in it. it’s also just, kind of a boring hobby to get into imo