Hi there,

Since @perchance@lemmy.world was OK with bugging them with features, I’ll seize the opportunity. Previously, I’ve published the list with improvements earlier (https://lemmy.world/post/17986442), which was received well, but I see how it can be overwhelming. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to continue posting in that thread or make new one, so I’m making a new one. Feel free to merge threads if forum staff deems this necessary.

I picked a few low-effort features out of that list which I think could be considered essentials, and which would be great to see pushed upward in your TODO list, namely:


  • Introduce copy button in prompt and anti prompt fields for better UX on mobile (click to copy). Though, since I do not own any generators, I’m not sure if this is something that generator owner could do on their own?


  • On mobile, thumbs up and thumbs down buttons on images in the gallery should show up without having to tap on an image to reveal these buttons to make it easier for people to upvote or downvote.
  • Implement search/filter in galleries (at least most simplistic, regex-based search by prompt and saveTitle/saveDescription). If you rather not touch database at all at this point, since prompt is stored in HTML after an image is generated, could be a simple JS script that searches within image containers as a starter. Users could manually load gallery pages they wish to search in. Though, is this also something that the owner of the generator could potentially cook up on their own?
  • Store the galleries that the user visited earlier in local storage, so it is easier to switch between them when saving or browsing. The galleries could be presented as dropdown listed sorted alphabetically ascending.

Two items from that list are potentially the ones that can be implemented by generator owners, please enlighten me if this is the case - I’ve seen some very fancy looking generators, but wasn’t sure if most of it is just CSS. Thank you, and looking forward - it’s always cool to see Perchance evolving!

  • perchance@lemmy.worldM
    1 month ago

    I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to continue posting in that thread or make new one, so I’m making a new one.

    Yep, please create new ones, and feel free to keep re-posting important things once every few weeks to move things up my todo list. Thanks for nudging me on these!

    Introduce copy button in prompt and anti prompt fields for better UX on mobile

    Do you mean in the gallery? Or in the “info” box that shows over the top of a generated image? Or in the place where you type your prompt (e.g. on perchance.org/ai-text-to-image-generator)

    I’ve just added the thumbs up/down on mobile by default, and added some buttons at the top of the feed for visited galleries. What is your use case for search? E.g. mainly for searching though (up to a few thousand images) in your own private gallery, say, or mainly for searching public gallery - i.e. possibly tens of thousands or more.

    • perplexity@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      Cool, from me and many other mobile users - thank you! Upvote/downvote button and the gallery switching UI is great, may take some time getting used to, but does the job for now. As far as searching goes, as I’ve mentioned, a lot of people don’t bother creating galleries and just dump their stuff in public. One could search by their signature (e.g. generated by ..., art by..., etc), for example, if they later wish to retrieve their image and do something with it (move to other gallery, reupload somewhere else, etc). Also while this is very specific to furry generator, furry content is heavily tagged, and people could easily search anything of their interest, by species, by sexuality, anything really. Or, we on our generator have certain people who upload disturbing and borderline illegal images but always use the same tags, that would make it this much easier to block all of their images at once. Of course it would be nice to have the search that is searching in entire gallery, but as first step, searching within currently loaded pages locally in user’s browser could be a good start. You could gauge if this is something used commonly, then move to implementing it properly if you deem this feature important. We personally have a small community (~50 people) where we could host a poll to help you out on this to an extent that we can.

      • perplexity@lemmy.worldOP
        1 month ago

        Nevermind the implementation of search in-browser, I never realized that the gallery itself is inside an iframe, and therefore is difficult to manipulate!

  • allo@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    “Introduce copy button in prompt and anti prompt fields for better UX on mobile (click to copy). Though, since I do not own any generators, I’m not sure if this is something that generator owner could do on their own?”

    If the generator is not built on T2i, yes this is something the generator maker would implement.

    “I’ve seen some very fancy looking generators, but wasn’t sure if most of it is just CSS.”

    Depends on the person, but if it isnt t2i, they are making the inputs themselves in some way. Inputs can even be entirely programmatic (see BluePower’s Generative Backgrounds Template) with no textarea on screen. The base ai image plugin is very ‘you determine how you touch it’.

  • wthit56@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’m not even sure who the creator is of ti2. Is that actually perchance too? Personally, I’m making my own image generator plugin and generator etc. from scratch so it works exactly how I want it to from the start ;p

    I think there is already a feature where such buttons show up without tapping, for generations themselves. So hopefully it’s as easy to add that to the gallery too.

    I’ve suggested search too 👍 My guess is, we wouldn’t be able to do anything like that, because it’s all in an iframe from a different subdomain in the first place. (I tried messing with the image generator iframe; no dice.) Potentially someone could use the api directly and make their own completely custom gallery from scratch–though it’s probably not something I’d jump into for now 😅

    • perplexity@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      True with the iframes. However, once the image is in the gallery, it is just a div. Prompt lives inside a div.image-desc, in title attribute. One could write very basic search engine that parses all such divs, tokenizes tags and filters out what user is looking for.

      • wthit56@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        But the gallery is inside an iframe. You can’t style stuff inside an iframe from outside an iframe, and scripting from outside the iframe is blocked because of the different subdomain–that’s what I was saying.