• sorval_the_eeter@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    yep. I loved the obamas-- still do. I’d vote for M Obama in a heartbeat over Harris. But I wanted so much more out of them. There was No work on justice or cop problems and a continued erosion of civil liberties under Obama. And picking Biden as his vp was cynical and gifted Biden tremendous soft power that he didnt earn. The price for that turned out to be a whole lot of brown mans’ blood spilled, and a terrible erosion of the western rules based order and the concept of democracy, and its not over yet. I guess I’m happy Obama was as good as he was, but man, what a missed opportunity for Obama to brand away from the dem centrism that increasingly is simply republican-light. If you had suggested in 2010 that Bdien being president would result in a lot of dead non-whites, closed border, and Roe going down in flames, it would have been spot on 5x5 Bidens stated policy choices. He’s always been anti choice, pro-police-thuggery, and anti minority for 50 years, but so many dems are pretending he’s jesus christ returned.