No, I haven’t seen it. Yes, I know RedLetterMedia is not an infallible source of movie criticism. But when I read about the movie myself, from promotional material for it no less, I found myself asking “that’s it? That’s all there is to this?”

Maybe my interest/fondness of the franchise hasn’t fully recovered from that “David actually made the alien and killed all the Engineers” retcon asspull from before that made the universe feel very small and stripped it of a lot of curiousity and dread in the darkness of space and all of that.

If you saw it and liked it, that’s great. Share what you liked about it if you like. The set design, physical costume/makeup work, and even the acting all sound promising, but I don’t think I could bear to sit through what really does sound like some LLM-written kitbash of the previous movies.

  • AmericaDeserved711 [any]
    1 month ago

    I’ve read a bunch of the reviews on letterboxd and the kind of people who speak in memes seem to love it, not a good sign

    I’m also noticing some horror fans starting to lionize the director Fede Álvarez, but he really hasn’t made a single great movie. He’s mainly popular for using practical effects instead of CGI, which is great and all but who cares if those effects are in service of a weak story? way too much attention on how a movie looks and not whether it’s any good

    Evil Dead 2013 is a meaningless splatter-fest. the first Don’t Breathe was okay but the premise of Don’t Breathe 2 is so genuinely offensive that edgelord should never be allowed to write a script again. ever since then I’m actively rooting against this man

    honestly I expect to enjoy Romulus on an aesthetic level but there’s gotta be more to it than that. even fun schlocky horror movies can and should be about something, and from everything I’ve heard Romulus is just about keeping the franchise alive and making the studio a lot of money

    • AmericaDeserved711 [any]
      1 month ago

      PS his justification for reanimating Ian Holm with AI is so funny:

      “It’s so much more expensive to do it the way we did it — it’s much cheaper to just hire an actor”

      oh so not only did you use a dead man’s likeness without his consent instead of paying a living actor, you also wasted money and people’s time just to do something creepy and immoral? all so people can point at the screen and go “hey it’s the guy from the old movie!!” ugh