So, my fiance and I have for quite awhile come to terms with us being poly, primarily myself but she is cool with it.

Thing is, we’ve been together for 13 years now, are getting married soon, and while we have agreed that if we ever met someone we clicked with, we also have come to terms with the fact it feels like that won’t actually ever happen.

We’re both very introverted and keep to ourselves. We aren’t actually party goers, and the wildest nights we have are the extremely rare night where we host a board game night with like, maybe 4 friends. And that’s a “rager” for us, comparatively.

We’ve looked into some dating apps but the results are… abysmal. Non starter really.

And since we are both so far along in our life together, it feels more and more like it would be impossible to “Fairly” include another person anyways. They’d forever be “second” in that me and my fiance have thirteen (and counting) years of history, whereas the new person would be starting completely fresh. That doesn’t seem like it could ever work anyways, no matter how hard we tried right?

We’ve talked at length about this and agreed that it just doesn’t seem like it could even work, despite us wanting it to, and that we’re sorta just gonna have to be cool with being monogamous poly, which is weird but I dunno how else to describe it.

The only situation I’ve considered that would work is if it was another couple that both of us click with both of them, and everyone vibes with each other in every direction, which then means at least everyone has someone else they have history with, and someone else that is new, which feels more like now everyone is on “equal” footing if you will, removing that feeling of imbalance.

But then of course we have to confront the fact that the odds of two people finding two other people and everyone vibing with everyone else is… well incredibly low. And when I say vibing I’m talking “we want to have a close committed intimate and romantic relationship” level.

So, I guess I wanted to send out some feelers on if any other folks are in this sort of state, how are you navigating it, how do you feel about it, lets talk about this sort of state.

Something to noodle on:

Is it morally wrong to try and initiate a poly relationship with a third person, when the other 2 people have a “fallback” of each other, such that the third person forever will be subjected to the 2v1 power imbalance, that if things broke down the 2 would quick the third out, forever putting them at a disadvantage?

Cuz, personally, I feel like I can’t morally subject someone to that myself, I’d forever feel “off” about putting another person (no matter how willing) into that position, it feels… wrong.

  • punkisundead [they/them]
    17 days ago

    To me it seems like you have a really strong image of what you actually want. Because all your questions and concerns focus on things that sound more like life partners. Poly also allows for other types of romantic and/or sexual relationships. Would you be open to that?

    • pixxelkick@lemmy.worldOP
      17 days ago

      No, not really. That’s above and beyond being poly, we both are only really interested in life long partners, thus we fit so well with each other.

      We’ve both agreed we doubt we would ever meet someone even one of us clicks with and meets us where we are at, we’ve both just spent so kych time and effort growing together that we’re extremely far along in experience and maturity. We’re getting married next year, as we’ve just accepted it’s gonna just be the two of us.

      We’re okay with that, but I wanted to hear how other folks feel about this themselves, we aren’t unhappy with our lives, we’re doing awesome.

      But I think it’s definitely an interesting thing to talk about, if people have had a serious commited “expansion” of the relationship “late game” if you will, and if it actually worked out.